Operational status of Standards Education
Standards Education in Korea provides professional standard training geared to various social classes and fields of practice through standardization-related institutions such as the Korean Standards Association, Cooperation Organization Standards Development (COSD), and Test Research Institute under the proactive interest and support of the government (Korean Agency for Technology and Standards).
The government of the Republic of Korea maintains close cooperation and networks with international standardization organizations to understand global technology trends, and is building a robust international network by actively pursuing international exchanges on global capabilities and new technologies. Besides offline education, we have been able to continue education on standardization even during the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting remote (non-face-to-face) education based on the world's leading network infrastructure. Notably, Korean Standards Education is recognized as a world leader with the International Standards Olympiad for teenagers being well-acclaimed by international organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC).
Korean Standards Education is divided into education to raise awareness of standards (Learn to know) and education to improve expertise in standardization (Learn to do).
Standards awareness-raising education familiarizes people with standards and standardization using a variety of experience-based programs directed at children and teenagers to grown-ups such as colleges and workers.
  • Visiting Standards Education
  • Designated Standards School/ Middle school & High school
  • International Standards Olympiad
  • University standardization course support
  • Standards specialized graduate school (Training project for technical standards manpower)
  • Standard executive-level course
  • Teacher training
Standards professional skills education provides in-depth professional training for each field/ task.
  • Training for standards work practitioners
  • KYP (Korean young professional) training
  • Standards professional certification credentials
  • Training of KOLAS evaluators and auditors
  • Forensic weighing and measurement education