Letter of Thanks
date 26  August  2022 Hit : 116
We would like to thank all the students and teachers who participated in the 17th International Standards Olympiad preliminary round  and main competition. Congratulations to the winning team and words of encouragement to the losing team.

The end of COVID-19 is likely to be our farther-than-expected future. We originally planned to hold this Olympiad face-to-face in Korea, but we decided to hold it face-to-face at an early stage considering the safety of students.

In fact, there are many difficulties in holding a non-face-to-face competition. Network problems and time differences, etc. Nevertheless, we continue to host the competition because we know students' expectations for the upcoming Olympiad.

Thank you to all the students who participated well during the Olympiad without any major problems.

Next year, we hope that COVID-19 will end so that everyone can gather in one place and hold the Olympiad. We will come back with a good program next year.

Thank you.

From the Secretariat of the International Standards Olympiad.